Kairos & Heart Consulting's Grounding Principles
Joy is abundant.
Meaningful relationships fuel transformative work. ​​
Sharing power expands results.
There are multiple ways of knowing.
Different design choices are always available.
Co-creating requires ujima: collective work and responsibility.
Realistic work plans, creativity, and an asset-based approach help mitigate harmful characteristics of white supremacy culture: perfectionism, sense of urgency, and either/or thinking.
Rest is revolutionary. Kairos & Heart observes a four-day work week, reserving Fridays for creative pursuits.

Strategic Planning
Guided process to identify new pathways for organizational and programmatic impact
Stakeholder interviews and focus groups
Facilitated design sessions

Philanthropic Advising
Support donors in unlocking capital by provoking creative thinking and generative inquiry
Conduct research on values-aligned opportunities

Board Development
Governance assessments
Retreat design and facilitation
Board chair and executive director coaching
Governance model restructuring

Customized meetings and retreats to advance organizational priorities and promote teambuilding